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Frequently Asked Tech Support Questions
  1. How do I ... ?
  1. Why does or doesn't ... ?
  1. Will any web browser work with DATES! calendars?
  2. How far back/ahead in time can I enter events?

How do I ... ?

How do I enter a multi-day event that has different times on different days?

Some events that last more than one day have different hourly schedules for each day. if you enter such events as a single event spanning several days, you will not be able to enter different times for different days. If you do need to enter different times, then you should enter the event as two or more different events, and enter different times for each.

How do I print a calendar (or other page) in "landscape" mode instead of "portrait" mode?

Different browsers may have slightly different ways to specify landscape versus portrait printing, but typically you choose the "FILE/PRINT" menu (or press CTRL-P on your keyboard). Look for a "LAYOUT" option or "ORIENTATION" option or anything that mentions "landscape" or "portrait". If you don't see anything like that, look for and click any button that says "PREFERENCES" or "Properties" or "Advanced" or "Options" (the particular button varies from browser to browser and printer to printer). From there you will usually have the option to set printing for landscape mode. Note: this option may revert to portrait mode when you close and reopen the browser, so you may have to repeat this process each time you want a landscape mode printout.  

How do I change colors, headers, footers, and other options?

Buttons to change various options are available on the DATES! Editor's Home page, the one you get after you have set up an account and then logged in. Click the appropriate button. Whatever changes you make and decide to accept will go into effect immediately.

How do I change the initial display from "month" to "1-Col" or "Table" or whatever?

The following discussion deals with web addresses or "URLs." Remember that your web site visitors will not normally see these URLs, but rather whatever text or link you choose as a description for the URL. 

The URL that brings up the initial calendar display allows you to specify different options. The one essential option is "cid", which stands for "calendar ID". This option is a number that identifies the calendar being sought. Each organization that uses DATES! has its own unique CID number. Let's say an organization's calendar ID is "999" for example. 

By default, calendars come up in the "monthly" view, the one that looks like a calendar. So the shortest useful URL to see a calendar for the owner of calendar ID '999' would be this:

To bring up a calendar in 1-Col list view to start with, you can add "&v=lv" which stands for "and also the view should be set to list view".

Or "&v=lv2" which stands for "and also the view should be set to list view 2", which specifies the 2-Col view.

Or "&v=tv" which stands for "and also the view should be set to table view". So you might use a URL like this:




CLICK HERE to see the many more options that are available to customize the display of your calendars.

How do I cancel my service?

Please send an email to sales with your request to cancel. 


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Why does or doesn't ... ?

Why doesn't the printed calendar look right?

The printed calendar depends on the use of what are called "style sheets" to achieve an attractive appearance for printing. Different browsers sometimes interpret these style sheets slightly differently; that accounts for slight differences in calendar appearance in different browsers. 

Why doesn't the header or footer I entered work right?

Click here for a possible explanation. 


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What is ... ?

What is the DATES! program written in? How does it work?

Currently about ninety-eight percent of the DATES! program code is written in a programming language called Visual Basic Script and processed on the web server computer ("server-side" scripting). The remainder is written in JavaScript and processed on the user's individual machine. As DATES! is continually being improved, the proportion of server-side to client-side program execution may change.  Event information is stored in a database and extracted as needed and formatted for display at that time.


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Will any web browser work with DATES! calendars?

Yes. Different browsers make the same things look different sometimes, so calendar information will not look exactly the same in all browsers and all versions. Most browsers will do a fine job overall, though, and all calendar information will be available and completely legible in any browser, in any version.

How far back/ahead in time can I enter events?

You can enter events into your DATES! calendar for any reasonable date, past, present, or future. However, your web site visitors will only be able to access events as far back as the beginning of the year for the year in which your account was opened. In other words, if you open your DATES! account any time in the year 2014, your visitors will be able to see events that date back to January 1, 2014. Visitors will be able to access events up to three years into the future from whatever is the current date. 

If your web site visitors need to access events farther into the future, or farther back into the past, please contact Hardy Systems; something can likely be worked out. 


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*All the options specified apply to Plan 1 subscribers; other plans may have more limited features.













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